Troja Castle, Plot of Parcel No. 1, Cadastral area Praha 7 – Troja
Academic Sculptor Martin Pokorný
Description of the work:
Restoration – stone, wood, metal, stucco including conducting all surveys
Sculptural work – production of statue copies
Construction works – brickwork, plumber, carpentry, stone
2018 – 2020
A distinctive feature of this monument is an external monumental staircase leading from the entrance to the Troja Castle main hall down to the southern chateau gardens. This extraordinary outdoor double-wing staircase with its monumental sculptures, symbolizing the struggles of the Titans with the ancient gods, was the subject of realized restoration and construction works.
A restoration of sculptural artworks represented a significant part of all works that was carried out. These works included the restoration of twelve busts placed on the railings of the outer staircase and fourteen statues of the gods (Coron, Diana, Hercules, Pluto, Neptune, Mart, Jupiter, Bacchus, Ceres, Vulcan, Prometheus, Mercury, Apollon and Pallas Athena). Furthermore, restoration of the decoration of the portal of the entrance to the main hall with the Nike-Victory group and the sculptural decoration of the interior of the staircase with twelve reliefs and statue of a pair of Giants was carried out. The highly specialized works also included the production of three copies of sculptures (Diana, Neptune and Ceres). In the frame of the construction and renovation works a large-scale restoration of the outer shell of the staircase was carried out, as well as restoration of balustrade railings, decorative elements, stair steps, paving, arcades, portals and the interior of the staircase, where Tartarus (mythological abyss) with a pair of toppled Giants is located.
For more information about the Château see pages of the Gallery of the Capital City of Prague: http://ghmp.cz/zamek-troja/