Milady Horákové – Svatovítská,
160 00 Prague 6
SATRA spol. s r. o.
Description of the work:
Construction and restoration survey
The preserved elements of the Prague fortifications date back to the 12th century. Originally, they were separate fortifications of Prague Castle, Vyšehrad (upper castle) and Prague towns. The unified system of protection of the entire city was built in the 14th century. The best-preserved part of Prague’s defense system is the Baroque fortifications built after the Thirty Years’ War between 1653 and 1727.
The subject of the implementation was a supplementary restoration research of the St. Wenceslas Bastion, which was to determine the state of preservation of the historical masonry and the level of salinity that could damage the wall. As part of the restoration research, it was necessary to conduct geophysical, petrographic and analytical determination of water-soluble salts. After careful evaluation of all results, a proposal for the reconstruction and conservation of the preserved parts of the masonry was developed.