Syria (Damascus, Hama, Apamea, Ebla, Aleppo, Raqqa, Salahaddin Citadel, Crack de Chevalier)
Description of the work:
Training course for the preparation of the UNESCO World Heritage nominative file
In January 2010 the Erbil Citadel in Iraq was registered on the Iraqi Tentative List of Word Heritage Sites due to its historical and cultural value. The aim of the project was to train the experts of the High Commission for the Erbil Citadel Revitalization (HCECR), entrusted by the Kurdistan Regional Government for managing and rehabilitating of the Citadel of Erbil, to successfully move ahead with the preparation of the citadel nomination file. The study tour was realized to expose participant to issues related to the heritage management, especially with regards to the management of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and their buffer zones.
GEMA ART GROUP a. s. prepared the training course program with the Syrian experts from the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums of Damascus. The syllabus of the course program for 15 participants composed of lectures focussed on the management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites lectures and meetings with relevant stakeholders responsible for the visited sites in Syria.
During the Study Tour the participants acquaint themselves with Damascus historical sites, ancient water wheel systems in Hama, archaeological sites in Apamea and ancient Ebla, Aleppo monuments, museum of Raqqa and nearby brick factory belonging to the Directorate of Antiquities for production of the handmade low burned traditional bricks according to the different projects requirements, Qala’at Ja’abar, Salahaddin Citadel and Crack de Chevalier.
The second part of the Study Tour project was cancelled due to the situation in Syria.