Prague Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
Prague Castle Administration
Description of work:
Restoration and conservation work
The foundations of the first St. Vitus Cathedral were laid in the 10th century during the reign of Prince Wenceslas, the patron saint of the Czech nation. In the years to come, the importance of this place grew when the Prague bishopric was established here. The building was rebuilt into a Gothic cathedral by order of the Holy Roman Emperor and Czech King Charles IV, and the work was undertaken by Petr Parléř and Matthias of Arras. The building was completed in 1929 for the millennial anniversary of the death of St. Wenceslas and is still used for important events.
We were involved in restoration of the architecture of the chapel of St. Anne and the chapel of St. John the Baptist, this in the frame of the wide project of the renovation of the outer shell of the Cathedral of St. Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert.
The restoration work consisted of conservation of the Cathedral stone shell, repair of joints, flashing parapets by lead, repair of stone balustrades, exchange of damaged stone elements, treating of joints by lead casting, repair of stained-glass windows, production of molds copies of consoles and stonemason marks, inspection and repair of gargoyles, traceries net protection against birds, hydrophobization of the Cathedral surface, copper gutter repair on the observation deck and some other necessary conservation and restoration treating. All these highly professional conservation works were carried out under the supervision of the Heritage Care Department of the Czech President Chancellery.