Královská obora, Holešovice, Prague 7
Metrostav TBR a.s.
Description of the work:
Restoration, conservation and construction works.
The works on the section “Praha Bubny – Praha Výstaviště” represents a major intervention in the original form of the railroad and its vicinity. The construction of the new station in this section required to ensure the professional dismantling of the old viaduct and treatment of the historical stone enclosure wall of the Royal Park.
The steel riveted truss bridge has been used by trains for more than 130 years (length 19.5 m, height 3.5 m and weight 35 t). The viaduct was built on the occasion of the Prague Jubilee Exhibition in 1891. GEMA ART carried out the professional dismantling and storage of the stone elements of the historic bridge structure, after which the steel structure of the viaduct was dismantled and transported to Masaryk Railway Station as an exhibit of the future Museum of Railways and Electrical Engineering.
The work on the modification of the Royal Park enclosure wall was closely coordinated with the ongoing work on the modernization of the railroad and the construction of the future Praha – Výstaviště station (Prague – Fairgrounds Station). This involved the expert dismantling and re-construction of sections of historic stonework, in accordance with the requirements of the progressing works on the modernization of the Buštěhrad railroad.
But unfortunately, disrespect for other people’s work has led to damage to our work. The reconstructed and plastered fence walls were attacked by sprayers. The damage to the plastering has necessitated increased costs and more work to repair the plastering repeatedly.
Video: Removal of the railway bridge at the Fairgrounds
Video: Dismantling of the viaduct in 22 seconds