Prašný most, Ulice Svatovítská, Praha 6
Prague City/Metrostav a.s.
Description of work:
Stone masonry work and historicist lightening
According to the requirement of Prague heritage authorities, the subject of the contract was to surface the new bridge of cast concrete by traditional stone masonry technique. It was necessary to use electric needle and chisel scalers to work the surface of the bridge. All ledges of the balustrades and frames of all openings was hand carved by the stone masons using stone chisels.
To keep the historical character of the Powder Bridge it was decided to produce and install modified replicas of the lanterns from the Mánes Bridge in Prague. This type of a modified bronze lanterns meets the modern technical requirements for lighting. The historicist lantern replicas were manufactured and installed by the Pasířství Houska & Douda spol. s r.o. The electrical accessories of the lighting fixtures, revisions and connection to the municipal system of public lighting were carried out in co-operation with ELTODO a.s. and ELTODO-CITELUM s.r.o.