15 Avenue Charles Floquet, Paris, France
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic
Description of works:
Restoration works
The restoration work on the exterior consisted mostly of the renovation of the stone facade with its plaster reliefs and alternating surfaces of local auriform limestone and cast stone.
The interior restoration mainly dealt with the stucco adornments on the walls, stripping secondary layers of paint and finish and cleaning and restoring oil paintings. After the treatment and stabilization of the surface a color scheme for the rooms and the hall that was in concurrence with the architectural design of the building was decided upon.
During removal of secondary layers of paint from the walls of a room on the 4th floor, there was an unexpected discovery of an original oil painting in the genre of the period. It was restored. The interior restoration work also included the renovation and partial replacement of windows and doors including fittings, wood mosaics inlaid in the floors, a stone staircase and marble floors and walls.
This job was interesting for our company not only because it provided a comprehensive challenge to almost all the different professions in restoration work, but also for the challenge it posed to the other craftsmen as well. For instance, we had to replicate the historical facade for the new addition, we took part in making the extension of the spiral hollow newel staircase, made a new crown cornice from cast stone as well as the framework for a new concrete ring of the building.