Rue Du General de Gaulle, 89 200 Avallon, Francie
Avallon Municipality
Description of the work:
Construction works
Work on the Avallon covered market building was carried out in two stages.
In the first phase, demolition work and reconstruction of the entrance to the hall – the foyer – were carried out.
In the second phase, the total reconstruction of the hall was completed, during which the hall was mainly lined with OBERSOUND acoustic panels. This lining is designed specifically for music halls with high acoustic resonance requirements. In order to meet the required standards and technical conditions of the client, it was necessary to select boards that simultaneously meet both the high acoustic requirements and the aesthetic requirements of the hall. The use of this natural cladding material creates a pleasant environment.
In addition, the face brickwork around the perimeter of the hall, in parts of the access staircase, the area behind the stage and the foyer and bar area was repaired. Expert restoration work has succeeded in bringing back the natural color of the bricks, brick rows and contact joints.
A completely new element of the foyer was the modern conceptual design of the interior bar, which is used to serve visitors during social and cultural events. With its size and robust design, it meets the demanding requirements of the capacity and use of the gala hall.