Alqosh, Iraq
ARCH International
Description of the work:
Conservation Survey and Rescue Project
2018 – 2021
Phase I (January to September 2018)
The aim of the rescue work was to carry out an on-site restoration and structural survey, evaluate the data and develop a project to save this important monument. The on-site work included photogrammetric documentation, including the creation of a 3D model of the entire sanctuary site (see presentation), the emergency securing of the statically disturbed vaults and masonry of the sanctuary, the clearing of rubble, and the storage and documentation of valuable architectural and historical elements.
The Alliance for the Restoration of Cultural Heritage (ARCH) selected GEMA ART to save the shrine containing the tomb of the Old Testament prophet Nahum in Alqosh because of its long experience in implementing restoration projects in the difficult conditions of Iraq.
The shrine is located in northern Iraq in a small Christian town that has a history of more than 2,800 years. Alqosh (Syriac: ܐܲܠܩܘܫ, Hebrew: אלקוש, Arabic: ألقوش). The city is part of the province of Nineveh and lies about 45 km north of its capital Mosul. The city is mentioned in the Old Testament in connection with the prophet Nahum of Elkosh, who preached in the Assyrian Empire between 726-697 BC, and who prophesied the demise of Nineveh.
The Shrine location on the Google Maps: Alqosh.
Visualization of the shrine transformation.
For more information see ARCH website.